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ClubRunner Resources

Need some information to share with your club?
No problem! There is a variety of resources available to educate your club or district about ClubRunner.

Download Information Kits

There are a variety of documents that you can download and share with your club members. Whether you need a one page summary of  ClubRunner or a detailed PowerPoint presentation, it's all available for you here.

Visit Live Sites

Check out some of the sites for clubs currently using ClubRunner to connect, collaborate and communicate with current and prospective members.

Attend a Webinar

There are 4 live demonstrations available for you to attend to learn more about ClubRunner's offerings.

Read Membership Articles

Get some membership recruitment and retention tips to help your club.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern
Excluding all Canadian Holidays



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