District Governor
Loretta Butts and John

Call for Applications for 2017-2018 District Governor of Rotary District 5240

District Governor Nomination Process


July 15, 2014

To: Club Presidents 2014-2015

District 5240 Board of Directors 2014-2015

District 5240 Council of Governors 2014-2015

District Governor Selection Committee

Re: Nomination for District Governor for the year of 2017-2018

Each year your club has the opportunity of nominating a candidate to serve as District Governor from its members. If your club has a qualified member that is willing to serve as the Governor, we hope you would support and honor that individual by submitting his/her name.

It is only through every club’s full participation that we will find the best possible District

Governor who will serve our District in

2017 - 2018 . For this reason, we hope that your club seriously considers any and all qualified members and submit the most qualified one for consideration to the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee will meet on

S a t u r d a y O c t o b e r 25, 201 4 at the Historic Santa Maria Inn; 801 S. Broadway, Santa Maria CA 93454. Each candidate will be invited for a one-hour interview to assess their overall qualifications. Each candidate must have a club member present him/her to the committee prior to the interview process that day.

The DGND nominating committee includes the Assistant Governor from each of the 12 groups in District 5240, and the Immediate PDG. The District Parliamentarian and Committee chair will assist in the process as well as the final deliberations.

I M P O R T A N T :

Rotary International and District 5240 does not allow potential candidates to "campaign" for this selection. "Campaigning" can be construed as regular on-going communication via the District email system and other District related social media in a manner that your name is constantly associate with District related business. As a potential candidate; if you are currently in a position to communicate in this manner, you should have another committee member, board member, or Nancy Falconer send the communications on your behalf. Any complaints from others will be forwarded to the District Board of Directors for review, and if substantiated, may result

in an action that may include removal of your name from consideration.

It is quite an honor for a club to have a candidate for District Governor as it

demonstrates the ability of your club to generate Rotary leaders; leaders that will lead not only your club, but the entire District in historically being one of the premier districts in the World. I sincerely look forward to receiving a nomination from your club.

Enclosed: The District Governor Nomination form (Governor-Nominee Data); a District

5240 Statement of Service form; and the most recent District Bylaws (please review

Article 6).

Completed application, statement of service, and all supporting data (see article 6) must be received no later than O c t o b e r  1 , 2 0 1 4

PDG Frank Ortiz

DG Nominating Committee Chair

910 Cossa Ct

Santa Maria, CA 93454

Yours in Rotary Service, Frank Ortiz

DG Nominating Committee Chair

Cc: Doug Hoffman – District Parliamentarian



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Rotary District 5240 Office
3394 Bryan Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93063
Telephone: 805-578-1061 Fax: 805-578-1081
Email [email protected]
Administrative Assistant: Nancy Falconer
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