2012 Rotary International Convention in Bangkok - A ClubRunner Overview!
A fascinating event with a mix of both the Eastern and Western culture, the 2012 Rotary International convention was an exciting and fun-filled event for the more than 35,000 Rotarians in attendance.
During this action packed event, the ClubRunner booth was bustling with activity! From an overview of the latest ClubRunner features and enhancements to the highly anticipated sneak peak of ClubRunner Version 3.0, we had a variety of events taking place at the booth every day!
Halle, Sarah & Jeff from the ClubRunner team had an amazing time meeting all of our wonderful customers and listening to all of their great suggestions. In fact, we received some excellent feedback and will work on implementing those suggestions to the ClubRunner service in the near future.
On May 8th, as we began the sneak peak demo of the forthcoming ClubRunner Version 3.0 platform, we had an overwhelming response from both our current and prospective customers. As our unveiling party continued, the crowd at our booth continued to grow and we were ecstatic to see the interest levels of fellow Rotarians peak as they excitedly signed up to become beta testers. We also held demonstrations to highlight the ClubRunner Mobile App and were delighted to see the download statistics double during the convention.
During the five days, we had many people enter to win our mystery prize and it was awarded to Whay Yih from the Rotary Club of Bugis Junction. We also held a raffle to give away 10 free one year subscriptions to ClubRunner and the lucky winners can be found here.
Thank you to everyone who visited the ClubRunner booth and made this event memorable! We'll be uploading photos and videos from the convention soon. In the meantime, if you have any pictures you want to share with us, join the conversation and get connected with us on our Facebook Fan Page!