Our make-up procedure, "eMakeUp", has been designed to make it easier for you to attain your attendance requirements, Just click on the eMakeUp button in the upper left-hand corner of this page, and we will lead you through the straightforward two-step process.
In addition to utilizing our eMakeUp procedure for a make-up, you are also always welcome to make up a meeting by attending one of our weekly club meetings on Skype. Please contact Club Secretary Stella Russell should you wish to attend a Thursday meeting.
In conclusion, I would especially like to invite you to view the President's Welcome Message that may be found here. In the right-hand column under "Download", moreover, you will find my summer and autumn newsletters, the two parts of a four-part volume during this year of service. Please download the PDF-files, read and enjoy!
Yours in Rotary,
Francis Uwaechi, President, Rotary E-Club of London Centenary 2012-2013