Your Rotary eMakeUp is ready when you are. Thanks for choosing Rotary E-Club of London Centenary for your makeup . . . and please remember to bookmark this site for the next time you need a makeup! Attending a "virtual Rotary meeting" is a convenient way of attaining your attendance requirements if
Your donation will support our club's charity projects. You can choose to learn about one of our club's charity projects as Step 1 of your eMakeUp. Before you start - here is an Overview of How to Complete an eMakeUp in Two Easy Steps: Step 1: Interact with ONE of the presentations on a variety of topics that we have prepared for your consideration. Step 2: Send your donation of £5 or $8 US using PayPal. (You are, of course, welcome to contribute a larger amount, should you wish.) That's it - you're done! If you add up all the time you have spent on Steps 1 and 2, you will have fulfilled the Rotary eMakeUp requirement, which stipulates that a member needs “to spend 30 minutes participating in an interactive activity on a Rotary e-club Web site.” So just . . . in two easy steps.