PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners

There is continued financial needs for polio eradication.  Rotarians and District 6000 Rotary Clubs who wish to help eradicate polio should give preference to providing financial assistance to PolioPlus. 
For contribution procedures contact:
PDG Susan Herrick, Chair
C) 515-298-1536
[email protected]

In 1985, Rotary International was challenged by Dr. Sabin to eradicate the Poliovirus everywhere in the world.  Rotary International and Rotarians accepted that challenged and conducted a massive fund during 1987 drive raising $219 million.  During 1988 in 125 countries in the world which were considered Poliovirus endemic, 1,000 children a day were stricken by the Poliovirus which totaled about 350,000 children annually.

Vaccinations easily can stave off polio. Vaccinations have prevented an estimated 500,000 children per year from contracting polio. A child can be protected against polio for as little as 60 cents (US) worth of vaccine.

Rotary International is the spearheading member of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and is the largest private sector donor. It has contributed more than US$600 million to the polio eradication activities in 122 countries. In addition, tens of thousands of Rotarians have partnered with their national ministries of health, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and with health providers at the grassroots level in thousands of communities.

Only three countries are still polio endemic - an all-time low: Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

PolioPlus Partners is a Rotary Foundation program by which Rotary clubs, districts and individual Rotarians may voluntarily assist in reaching Rotary's goal of a polio-free world. They support the immunization activities of Rotary and its worldwide partners, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by keeping Rotarians informed of progress, promoting accurate media coverage, volunteering in National Immunization Days (NIDs) and providing needed resources in regions with, or at risk, for polio.

Since 1987, District 6000 Rotarians have made significant monetary contributions and many Rotarians have participated in National Immunization Days.  
Anyone interested in participating in a future NIDs should contact the PolioPlus Office at The Rotary Foundation in Evanston, IL.

A polio-free world is within our grasp. Join Rotary's effort to end this crippling disease.