New Generations

What is New Generations?  Watch this for an interesting overview of  Interact in High Schools, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and Rotaract for young adults.

Things we do:

  • Interact - we sponsor three high school service clubs: Cupertino Interact (advisors: Ron Richardson and Lee McCrumb), Monta Vista Interact (advisor: Martin-Long, Eva and  Onishi, Steven ), and Lynbrook Interact (advisors:Herrgott, Sharon ). If you need student volunteers for your community event, please contact the club or its Rotary advisor. At least two weeks of lead time works best.
  • RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) - we offer a training program for high school students that encourages them to assume leadership roles. We help with a week long RYLA camp in the Santa Cruz mountains - contact Hirokawa, John,Mansch, Joanne, or Walker, James (Jim).
  • Operation Snowflake - We deliver ten tons of snow and make a holiday wonderland for children with special needs at VIA West (CampCostanoan).  Sledding, snowman building ,stocking stuffing, tree trimming and caroling all go well with the cookies and hot chocolate - contact Doyle, David, McKenna, Mark, or Dyer, Tom.
  • Kid's Shopping Spree - we take approximately 40 underprivileged children holiday shopping at Penney's in partnership with the Quota Club and Inner Wheel- contact Phil Quon.
  • Kid's Fishing Day - we provide a wonderful opportunity for young school children to learn a new skill and enjoy the thrill of fishing, many for the first time - contact Jim Black
  • Dr. Seuss Reading Day - we promote the excitement and joy of reading to K/1 students in Cupertino schools by reading Dr. Seuss books to them on his birthday - contact Riddell, Jane tor Wiener, Phyllis.
  • Scouting - we are the chartered organization for local scouting organizations (Cub Scout Pack 492, Boy Scout Pack 479, and Venturer Crew 479) providing help and guidance - contacts: Tom Hall and Pete Goodell.


New Generations Meeting:
11:00 AM, 2nd Wednesday
Quinlan Community Center
10185 North Stelling Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
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