District 5280 Newsletters

District Newsletter  

The monthly District 5280 Newsletter is now available online, both onscreen and as a PDF version The monthly edition is first posted to the District Web site at the beginning of each month.  Newsletters are then archived to the District website by year and date of issue. PDF versions of the Newsletter may be printed for distribution. Click on any year or edition in the list to your left. Those under "Newsletters" are available online.  Those under "Downloads" appear in PDF format.

In addition the District distributes a separate Monday Morning District News to every Rotarian with an email address in the District database. This weekly news report is distributed every Monday. If you would like your Club event to be added, please email your brief and flyer to the District Office by 3pm Thursday. To be added to the Monday Morning District News distribution list, email your name and club to [email protected] .

To include news, pictures, club announcements and other items of interest for the monthly District Newsletter, email your information to District Newsletter Chair Tony Ciancimino at [email protected]. Submission deadline dates are listed below:

Issue             Due

Sept.               8/20

Oct.                 9/21

Nov.                10/22

Dec.                11/19

Jan.                 12/17

Feb.                1/21

Mar.                2/18

Apr.                 3/18

May                4/20

June               5/20

Club Newsletters

Please send a copy of your Club Newsletters to the following people:

1. District Governor, Lew Bertrand: [email protected]

2. District Monthly Newsletter Chair, Tony Ciancimino: [email protected]

3. Lt. Governor, Dean Reuter: [email protected]

4. Executive Aide, Sheri Polak: [email protected]

5. District Office: [email protected]

6. Your Designated Assistant Governor