Rotary International District 7910Central Massachusetts USA Richard Dietz, District Governor
Newsletter Feb12
Newsletter Feb5
Newsletter Jan29
Newsletter Jan22
Newsletter Jan8
Past Newsletters
What is Rotary? from Rotary International on Vimeo.
Welcome to Rotary District 7910Central Massachusetts
Come Join Us-EN from Rotary International on Vimeo.
This is the song written by Jerry Mills which was inspired by RI President Ray Klinginsmith and the work of Rotarians worldwide. The video was produced by Rotarian Bob Gallagher with full cooperation from Jerry Mills.
The Rotary Foundation
Public Relations
New Generations
District 7910 "The Minuteman District" with 53 Rotary clubs in Central Massachusetts USA. More than 1600 business and professional men and women constitute the membership of these clubs they give life to the Rotary motto, "Service Above Self "