Proposals to increase dues by $1 a year, to authorize the RI Board of Directors to change district boundaries, to assess $3 a year per member to support the annual international convention, and to allow clubs to set their own attendance requirements are among more than 180 items that will come before Rotary International’s Council on Legislation in April 2013.
The Council on Legislation, sometimes referred to as Rotary’s Parliament, meets every three years. Each of Rotary’s 532 Districts is represented by a single delegate. Past District Governor Jerry Venters of the Kansas City Plaza Rotary Club is District 6040’s delegate in 2013, and PDG Sally Bibb of the Kansas City Rotary Club is the alternate (to serve in case Jerry is unable to serve).
The Council will meet for a week in late April in Chicago. Also participating from District 6040 is PDG Duane Benton, who serves as the Council’s parliamentarian.
Among the legislative proposals, which were submitted before the December 31, 2011 deadline, are these:
· Increase RI dues by $1 per year per member for three consecutive years, starting 2014-15. The increase would raise $1.2 million a year.
· Require clubs to pay $3 per member per year to cover the costs of RI conventions; correspondingly, registration fees for a convention would be capped at $100 unless the Board of Directors sets a higher maximum. (Proposed by the Rotary Club of Kirksville.)
· Establish “Service Above Self” as the permanent annual theme, ending the practice of having a different theme each year.
· Authorize the Board of Directors to change the district boundaries of districts with more than 100 clubs and to adjust the boundaries of adjacent districts.
· Permit clubs to set their own attendance requirements, including allowing participation in service projects and similar events to count toward the attendance requirement.
· Allow a District Governor to merge a club with another club if the first club has fewer than 25 members for three consecutive years.
· Establish a Council of Past Governors in each district to consider matters referred by the District Governor and to give advice to the DG.
More than 30 resolutions are to be submitted to delegates for their consideration. A resolution is a non-binding recommendation that the Board of Directors take certain actions or create certain programs. Some of the resolutions to be presented in 2013 would request the Board to:
· Consider supporting programs to stop the practice of child slavery, to prevent sexual mutilation, and to make it a priority of Rotary to stop the proliferation of land mines and to aid their victims.
· Consider designating the Rotary Leadership Institute as an RI affiliate or as a structured program of RI.
· Consider lowering the minimum age for Interact members to 11 (from 12) and raising the maximum age for Rotaract members to 35 (from 30).
· Consider including Preserve Planet Earth, a program started by Past RI President Paulo de Costa, as an RI structured program.
· Consider making children and grandchildren of Rotarians and their spouses eligible for Foundation awards programs.
All of the legislative proposals can be found on the RI Web site, If you have comments or suggestions concerning any proposal, please communicate them to Jerry Venters at [email protected]