February is dedicated to “World Understanding” in Rotary.
How do we begin to understand the many cultural, racial, religious, and political differences that make up our world? We are a world of minorities and being a Rotarian is one of those minorities. Rotarians have privileges unavailable to the majority of the world population. We have clean water, safe housing, access to education, health care and, a personal and collective commitment to change lives in communities. Rotarians are a privileged minority with responsibility.
Rotarians, we have a responsibility to open our eyes and our hearts to the minorities in our home communities because ‘world understanding’ starts at home. What are we doing to increase our understanding of the marginalized within our communities? Are we actively working to increase literacy, understand religious minorities, to work against homelessness, prejudice, and intolerance?
World understanding starts at home. Look around the neighbourhood, our clubs, our places of business. Are we inclusive in our daily interactions? Do our clubs reflect the cultural diversity of our communities? Are we involved with our youth exchange students? Do we invite our Interactors and Rotaractors to participate in our club meetings?
Rotarians, February is the month to focus on ‘World Understanding’ – the challenge is to maintain that focus throughout the year and truly ‘Celebrate Rotary’!