Our Club Banner as approved by
chartering District Governor Gabor Karsai


Our weekly E-Club Meetings
Rotary E-Club of District 7250 Meeting #66 Location: World Wide Web
Feb 17, 2013 08:45 AM - Feb 23, 2013 11:59 PM
Pre-PETS Mar 09, 2013 08:00 AM
2013 Mid-Northeast MultiDistrict PET Announcement Hanover Marriott
Mar 22, 2013 - Mar 23, 2013
District 7255 Assembly to be announced
May 11, 2013
District 7255 Governor Installation Woodlands on the Green
Jun 05, 2013
Rotary International 2013 Convention Jun 23, 2013 - Jun 26, 2013
Rotary International
About Our Club
Committee Pages
Make-up Meetings

District 7250 Website
Charter President Cornell Frank
Treasurer Cornell Frank
Secretary Tony Labiento
Website Administrator Cornell Frank
Mini Calendar
         Feb 2013         
Subscribe to our newsletter mailing list.

Click here to sign up!

You may point and click on the
"I'm Online" Skype button below
to reach the Club President via
a free Skype connection.

Posted by Cornell Frank on Feb 17, 2013

Posted by Cornell Frank on Feb 17, 2013


N E W S   F L  A S H

PrePETS is re-scheduled for Saturday March 9, 2013 at
FARMINGDALE COLLEGE, Roosevelt Building,
Route 110 South (Exit off the LIE)
From Southern State or Sunrise, take Rte. 110 North
Registration will start at 8:00 A.M. with breakfast, break and
lunch at 12.00 The cost is $15,00 for breakfast , $20.00 for
lunch or $35.00 for those who stay all day.
CHECKS ONLY made out to:  District 7260 Foundation
8:30 am Presidential Citation
9:00 am Break-Out Session for Secretaries
Foundation Certification starts at 1:00 pm, register at 12:45 pm, break at
2:45 pm. The PETS session will end at about 4:30 pm.
Please re-confirm your attendance with Barbara Ackerman at back56@aol
DGE Gwenn Ramage-Wons
Rotary District 7255
Posted by Cornell Frank on Feb 06, 2013

Here is a wonderful opportunity for all members of the Rotary E-Club of District 7250 to get together during the 2013 Rotary International Convention on June 23-26 in Lisbon, Portugal. 

 More details will follow.  In the mean time please enjoy this video hosted by our RI President Tanaka:

More about the RI 2013 Convention

Posted by Cornell Frank on Jan 27, 2013

 A Club Service Project of Rotary E-Club of District 7250

What is a Rotary e-club?  How does it work?  And much more...

Please make sure you familiarize yourself with this material.

 What is the purpose of a Rotary e-club?

The purpose of a Rotary e-club is to extend Rotary to business, professional and community leaders in any Rotary District who are unable to meet traditional attendance requirements. Inability to attend a traditional Rotary club could be the result of demanding business or professional commitments, extensive travel, confinement due to ill health or disability, or residence beyond reasonable distance from an existing Rotary club
Posted by Omar Keith Helferich on Jan 28, 2013

Bio Sand Filter Initiative- Dominican Republic:
Sustainability Case Study Management Summary

Many corporations embrace compliance to standards of performance in order to build a culture of sustainability through Continuous Process Improvement (CPI). Dr. Omar K. Helferich, a member of the E-Club was the primary project lead for applying the concept of CPI in support of a safe water Dominican Republic project.

Sustainability for the project relates to the design and plan to continue support of recipients’ needs after humanitarian organizations have left a disaster area (sustainable exit strategy).  The Rotary Foundation (2012) defines sustainability as “the capacity for maintaining outcomes over the long term to serve the ongoing need of a community after grant funds have been expended.

Posted by Cornell Frank on Jul 09, 2012


Becoming a Member of the
Rotary E-Club of District 7250

It's as easy as 1 • 2 • 3!

Contribute to the your Rotary E-Club of District 7250 by bringing in, or nominating yourself as, a qualified business and professional leader who is  interested in and committed to advancing the mission of Rotary.  Together with your fellow Rotarians, you can help our Rotary E-Club fully represent your community's business and professional life. The mission of Rotary is the fulfilling of the Object of Rotary, strengthening and expanding Rotary around the world, and communicating worldwide the work of Rotary. Rotary is a global network of community volunteers.  We encourage you to join the over 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide to carry the out the Rotary projects which address today's challenges which include illiteracy, disease, hunger, poverty, lack of clean water and environmental concerns.

Become a Rotary E- Club Member - Do it today!
Posted by Cornell Frank on Jul 08, 2012


What's your Rotary story?

Use story telling to share your favorite Rotary experience with prospective members.

   The ability to inspire other people through our work is one of Rotary's greatest assets.  When we share a story about our experiences, we help to break down barriers, build friendships, and ultimately, attract new members.

   Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka understands the power of storytelling, and encourages all Rotarians to share their Rotary experience. The new Telling Your Story Resource Kit  can help you create an inspiring message that will attract new members and motivate current Rotarians. (The Rotary E-Club will look, this week July 8-15, at the first three items in the kit as well as the "
The Power of Rotary Moments" video with Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka at:

Posted by Cornell Frank on Nov 25, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Needs....

Look at the devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy.

Can we view this image and not realize that we need to help?

                   Photo Credit: NY Daily News, Saturday, November 24, 2012, p. 23

Posted by Cornell Frank on Dec 16, 2012

Rotary District 7250 Foundation Celebration Dinner

Rotary E-Club of District 7250 Journal Ad


Posted by Cornell Frank on Jul 02, 2012

Rotary International
President’s Message

We hear the word peace every day.  We hear it in the news, and we talk about it a great deal in Rotary. But most of us spend very little time thinking about what the word really means.

 On its simplest level, peace can be defined by what it is not.  It is a state of no war, no violence, and no fear. It means that you are not in danger of hunger, persecution, suffering, or poverty. But we can also define peace by what it is, and by what it can be. Peace can mean freedom of thought and speech, freedom of opinion and choice, and the ability for self-determination.

Posted by Cornell Frank on Dec 09, 2012

Our Charter Celebration in Pictures

Can be retrieved by clicking on "more" below.
Posted by Dr. Cornell Frank on Oct 18, 2012

Welcome to our Rotary E-Club of District 7250! 


A letter from a Rotarian that makes the point of the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy!

I know people are hurting in the Rockaways [and other places in Long Island and New Jersey], however, I am one Rotarian that was hit extremely hard in Howard Beach. I am the Immediate Past President (IPP) of the Rotary Club of Southwest Queens and have been devastated by the Hurricane.

Not only did I loose one-third of my home and my car (my only means of transportation besides walking) I own and operate a Day Care that has been destroyed as a result of Hurricane Sandy. The day care was submerged under salt water and raw sewage in a matter of minutes. Thank God we were closed at the time (evening) when the surge hit.

I have reached out to the families that have children in my day care and so far everyone seems not to be hurt, although some families lost their cars and parts if not all of their homes, as well as most of their possessions. Now we are all dealing with the aftermath.

Since everything we owned was overcome by the hurricane waters, we lost everything: books, strollers, high chairs, toys, cribs, rugs, swings, changing tables, toddler chairs and tables, cameras, computers, phone, etc. You name it - we lost it! The entire day care has now been gutted to the bare beams.

I honestly do not know if the day care can financially recover from the loss and fear that it won't. Although I feel a sense of obligation to my ten (10) staff members and the twenty-five (25) families in day care and twenty-eight (28) additional families in my pre-school program.

This program has been their only sense of "normal" since so many of the children were displaced during the storm and there is no telling when and if they can ever return to their homes. Two of my own staff members lost everything and are so grateful they have a job to come to (for now).

We need your help!

As a fellow Rotarian, I need your help for the sake of these children!

We all have food and clothing and basic necessities now (thanks to Red Cross and donations from various outlets), but we need assistance in the re-building process; assistance that FEMA and other agencies don't help with. We need to put the pieces back together, to get the place up and running so people can go to work and earn money to re-build their lives.
I am writing this today out of desperation for the children!

Frances O. Scarantino
Immediate Past President
The Rotary Club of Southwest Queens
Appeal from the Rotary E-Club President
To E-Club members, Rotarian visitors and the general public - please assist us in order that we may be able to help rebuild this Day Care Center.
Please make your generous tax deductible contributions to:

The Rotary District 7250 Foundation

marked to the attention of:
The Rotary E-Club of D7250 Hurricane Sandy Assistance - Day Care Center
and mail your tax deductible contributions to:
The Rotary E-Club of District 7250
P.O. Box 8086
Hicksville, NY  11802-8086
Every penny contributed will be forwarded to the Day Care Center!
Thank you for your kindness!

"Online Meeting Makeup" possibility for visiting Rotarians worldwide

Please see Rotary "Makeup" for Printer under the "Download" section to the left. 


Details about our Rotary E-Club Projects

Can be found in "Rotary E-Club Projects" under the "Download" section on the left.

Your kind donations will be gladly accepted.  Please make your checks payable to:

Rotary District 7250 Foundation

and mail them to the following address:

Rotary E-Club of District 7250
P.O. Box 8086
Hicksville, NY  11802-8086

We thank you!


Rotary Theme 2012-13



Access to Private Member Section of our Web site

Is available only to dues paying members for the current semi-annual period July 1, 2012 through Decembeer 31, 2012.



Message from our Rotary International
President Sakuji Tanaka


When we see a the needs of others as more important than our own needs – when we focus on a shared goal that is for the good of all – this changes everything. It changes how we relate to the world. It changes our priorities. And it changes how we understand the idea of peace.

In the 2012-13 Rotary year, peace will be our focus and our goal, and I will ask all Rotarians to actively work for Peace Through Service.

A belief in the power of service lies at the very heart of Rotary. By making service our priority, we put the needs of others above our own. We empathize more deeply with the difficulties of other people; we become more generous with our time and resources, and more open to new ways of thinking. Instead of trying to change others, we recognize that everyone and everything has something to teach us.

Through service, we become more tolerant of our differences and more grateful for the people in our lives. Our sense of gratitude drives us to understand others better and see the good in everyone. Through better understanding, we learn to respect others. With mutual respect, we live with others in peace.

And so I ask you all to put Peace Through Service at the forefront of your Rotary work this year, and to commit to a Rotary goal of a more peaceful world.

Sakuji Tanaka
Rotary International President 2012-13


Our new RI President is a member of the Rotary Club of Yashio, Saitama, Japan.  He would like to see Rotary "continue its vital work as the force to improve our communities":  To do this work, Rotary needs active, involved clubs, he added. "We are fortunate to have a strategic plan to help build strong clubs that are vibrant, action oriented, and relevant to the changing world. 

A past trustee of the Rotary Foundation, Tanaka chaired the 2009 Birmingham Convention Committee.  His other service to Rotary includes RI Director, regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, district governor, and member of the Polio Eradication Advocacy Task Force, the Permanent Fund Committee for Japan, and the Future Vision Committee.  Tanaka established an endowed Rotary Peace Fellowship, and he and his wife, Kyoko, are Paul Harris Fellows, Benefactors of the Permanent Fund and Major Donors.  He is recipient of the RI's Service Above Self and the Rotary Foundation's Distinguished Service Award. 



Our District Governor 2012-13 Mario Moran

District Governor Mario Moran is a member of the Rotary Club of West Hempstead.  He has been a Rotarian for nine years.

Mario served as President of the Rotary Club of Westbury-Carle Place from 2005 to 2008.  He also served District 7250 as an Assistant District Governor during 2008-2009 and as District Service Director 2010-2011.

Recently, Mario was part of a team visiting Taiwan on a friendship exchange trip to celebrate Taiwan’s 100 year’s anniversary.  As a result of the friendships made several clubs in District 7250 will participate in a joint Foundation Project.

Mario is a Paul Harris Fellow.  He was awarded a Citation for Outstanding Service to the Community by the Nassau County Legislature and was given an Honorable Mention by Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi.  Mario and his wife Juanita have five beautiful daughters and seven grandchildren.

DG Mario owns and manages his restaurant in Westbury, Long Island, as well as a wholesale food distributor.

He is a Hydraulic Engineer by profession and served as the manager of planning and design for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York until his retirement in 2010.


Rotary E-Club of District 7250 Mission to Haiti on June 15, 2012

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sending the funds!  We delivered $1,400 of the money on this trip to La Feve School along with $10,000 of in-kind aid. Thechildren and teachers were very grateful.  We delivered the next $1,400 on our mission on July 28.

We did have the chance to share our project with the Rotary Club of Delmas near the Airport in Port-au-Prince  and please  see pictures below. 

Our mission was a huge success, and Timmy Thomas and Alana Joy sang at the camp with the children and provided a concert for the children at the orphanage in Mirebelais.   Here is some quick unedited footage from the Concert: http://traveltalkmedia.smugmug.com/Other/Airline-Ambassadors-Tell-Me/23646227_JJpsSq#!i=1914441553&k=QWjwx4J

Again, thank you and all the Rotary E Club members so much for the generous donation!  



Comment from our District Governor Gabor Karsai:
The pictures are wonderful, the film clip is moving!
Congratulations on a successful trip! Thanks for sharing it.
I am particularly excited to see that you hooked up with a local Rotary club!
I hope that this will blossom into a great cooperative relationship between the two clubs for the benefit of the Haitian children.
Love and respect,

Our Rotary E-Club of District 7250
official Charter Certificate
as issued by Rotary International
Signatures left: Gabor Karsai, District Governor 2011-12;
right: Kalyan Banerjee, President Rotary International 2011-12

 Web Site Tutorials (point and click on the desired item):

 Learn how to login to the members-only area or private side of our Web site:


 Learn how to use the "Email Message Center":


Learn how to update your login and personal information, biography, and view your Year-to-Date attendance Report:



Report from Rotary E-Club of District 7250 on Haiti:
The club sent $1,600 to Airline Ambassadors and 100% of this money enabled the La Feve School to re-open their doors, and make education a reality for 150 students who are depending our the Rotary E-Club the children loved the new uniforms.  

The school needs $1,000 per month to keep their doors open a provide for the school fees and a meal for each child. Let's show them what the power of Rotary can do.!  

Please see a "Power-Point Presentation of Haiti Projects" and "information for Tent Camp Projects" in the "Download" section of the Web site for a description of our projects in Haiti.
If this report, the images and the "Power-Point Presentation of Haiti Projects," in our "Download" section, as well as other aspects of this Web site has inspired you, as a Rotarian or as a citizen of the world, to help us in our noble efforts, please do not hesitate to forward a tax deductible check payable to:
                 Rotary District 7250 Foundation

and mail them without further delay to the:

               Rotary E-Club of District 7250
               P.O. Box 8086
               Hicksville, NY 11802-8086
Thank for for helping make a difference in the lives of young children in the Earth Quake devastated Haiti.

Attention Club Members, District Leadership and Rotarians worldwide

Because of the Rotary E-Club of District 7250 flexibility, we meet 24x7 on the world wide web site www.RotaryE-ClubLongIslandOne.org.  We ask district leaders, around the world, and Rotary club presidents, officers and general membership, anywhere around the world, to please refer to us Rotarians you know who had either shown an interest in joining your Rotary club or had been members of your club and found that there busy schedule prevented them, to join, or continue their membership to due busy travel schedules or otherwise busy business schedule.  

Thank you very much for referring Rotarians to us.


 Our Rotary E-Club meets weekly 24/7 worldwide on the Internet

Our meeting material is updated every Sunday at 8:45 A.M.

To join a meeting:
At the home page top left (under the Club banner) look for Club Meetings, then point & click on
E-Club Meeting

To receive attendance credit:
1).- When you reached the bottom of the meeting material, scroll back to the top
2).- On the left side of the screen, under the web site banner you will see:
"Home  Stories  News  Calendar  Speakers"
3).- The next line shows "Event Detail" - continue to look at next line
4).- which shows: "E-Club Meeting" - continue to look at the following line
5).- in the dark blue highlighted box you will see "Register Online"
6).- Point and click on: "Attend or Decline" in the light blue highlighted box
7).- Complete the Sign-In Panel that appears by entering your "Login Name" and "Password"
      If you do not remember your password, click on "Forgot Password" and it will be mailed to you
8).- Please leave a Comment about the meeting.  It is important to enter a comment before you proceed.
      Your comments will be incorporated in the next meeting.    
9).- Point and click on "Attend"
10).- Point and Click of "Return" in the lower right hand corners.

You may wish to make a printout of these instructions by pointing to "File" in the top left hand corner of the screen, left click and hold while you scroll down to "Print":  Point and click on "OK.."

An e-mail will be forwarded to you confirming your attendance.  Please do not expect the registration to be updated immediately.  Your President (Web Site Administrator) needs to manually post your attendance request.  This is usually done in batches rather than individually.

Members, please remember to register for the meeting in order to receive attendance credit.

Rotary International expects members to participate in weekly meetings for a minimum of 30 minutes per week (as per June 2004 Council on Legislation item No. 04-18).  

You may wish to use "E-mail Message Center" in the private section of our web site or respond (by including "Reply-to-All") to the e-mail that announced the weekly meeting to leave more elaborate comments.  The comment box in the attendance request area is limited to 200 characters including spaces and punctuation marks (actually more liberal than a twitter message).  Repeated request to the ClubRunner management to increase the comment box have, unfortunately so far, fallen on deaf ears.

Our weekly E-Club Meetings
Rotary E-Club of District 7250 Meeting #66 Location: World Wide Web
Feb 17, 2013 08:45 AM - Feb 23, 2013 11:59 PM
Pre-PETS Mar 09, 2013 08:00 AM
2013 Mid-Northeast MultiDistrict PET Announcement Hanover Marriott
Mar 22, 2013 - Mar 23, 2013
District 7255 Assembly to be announced
May 11, 2013
District 7255 Governor Installation Woodlands on the Green
Jun 05, 2013
Rotary International 2013 Convention Jun 23, 2013 - Jun 26, 2013

Message from the Charter President Cornell

It is with great pleasure that I greet you to our web site of the Rotary E-Club of District 7250. Our club is the first Rotary E-Club on Long Island, New York as well as in District 7250 which extends currently from Nassau county to Brooklyn and Queens boroughs of New York City.  The Suffolk and Nassau/Brooklyn/Queens districts are in the process of merging next year. Our members will meet on a regular weekly basis on the web, any time, twenty four hours by seven at the convenience of our members.  Weekly new meeting material will be updated each Sunday mornings.

Our Charter Certificate was signed by District Governor Gabor Karsai on October 19, 2011 with an initial membership of fourth-three.  We thank Governor Gabor for his encouragement, his kindness in recommending to Rotary International the establishment of our Rotary E-Club.  Special thank wishes are also extended  to Immediate Past District Governor Robert Donna for believing in us.

As we stand at this important milestone of our young Rotary E-Club we think about Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self.”  It serves as our primary purpose in providing service to those in need of our humanitarian efforts in our communities and around the world, always promoting goodwill and striving to achieve worthwhile goals while at the same time maintaining high ethical standards.

Finally, we wish to thank our Charter Members for joining the international and wonderful community of Rotary.  Without you this would not have been possible.  It is your commitment to rendering service that will make a difference.  In the words of our Founding Rotary International President Paul Harris: “The Best is Yet to Come.”  


Yours in Rotary Service,

   Cornell Frank, Ph.D.
   Charter President

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